Quantum mechanics Environmentalethics

 Today my class is from 11.40am. As the topic allotted to me is finished,so now I will send video lectures on the topic Quantum Mechanics and Classical MechanicsIn an  

ecosystem, living organisms are grouped

into producers, consumers and decomposers. 

Ecosystems are controlled by external and, 

internal factors. 

Unit- 1:-Environmentalethics and ecosystem: 

Concept of EcOsystem: 



To be continue, 

Ecosystem can be very lrge ör very small. The 

whole surface of Earth isa 'series of connected 


Ecosystem are dften connected in a large biome. 

Even similar Surrounding biomes could have 

completely different ecosystem.

Aecosystem does not have to cover a large 


hüman gut. Alternatively, ecosystem can cover huge 

area of the planet. 

They exists in small ponds, and even

 in the 

Page External 

Page External factors such as climate, pareht material 

which forms the soil and topography "control the 

overall structure of an ecosyste 

but are not 

themselves influenced by theepbsystem. 

Unlike external factors, internal factors are 

controlled, for example -decomposition, root 

competition, shadihg, disturbance, succession, and 

the types ofspecies present. 

Dr. Arvna Ku 

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